The protecting icon of St John, dating from 1830.
St. John, like the admirable life example that he is, encourages us to emulate the purity of the holy angels, but also to follow the Lord’s commands precisely. Above all, he reflects the current preaching of repentance in the modern darkened world. He stands near the throne of God and as a true friend of Christ intercedes for our salvation. He attends to our heartfelt prayers and responds to our fervent plea through his miraculous power and grace.
He was glorified through Jesus Christ Himself as the greatest Prophet of all, for claiming to be unworthy even to unfasten the sandal of the feet of our Lord. The “voice of the Word” still resounds through the wilderness of our alienated society, pointing to “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). “In the spirit and power of Elijah” (Luke 1:17) he continues to bear his personal testimony of the Path of our Lord, who first descended to the lower parts of the earth and then ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things (Eph. 4:9-10). Thus, not only in the prophetical word of the Baptist but, especially, in his fine face and martyrdom was the humble path of descent of our Lord Jesus Christ heralded and ever since portrayed with clarity.
Through the intercessions of the honorable and glorious prophet
and forerunner John the Baptist
O Lord Jesus Christ God have mercy upon us
and save us.